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Wuxi huace automobile co., ltd. successfully passed the annual "3C" factory review

Wuxi Huace Automobile Co., Ltd.  2014-12-29 10:35:58 Author:SystemMaster
On December 5, 2014, the expert inspection team from nanjing branch of China quality certification center (CQC) came to our company to supervise the annual factory inspection of "3C" for transportation vehicles.
After a one-day careful factory inspection by three experts, the inspection team announced that the company had officially passed the annual 3C factory inspection in 2014, which indicated that the 3C certificate of complete vehicle products of the company would remain valid in 2015.
This review focuses on the company's supplier control, production process control, process inspection, product inspection report, document management and resources, certification of product consistency and other contents.And the incoming inspection records, production process inspection records, 3C mark books and use records were spot-checked.Factory inspections begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at 4:30 p.m.
The expert group is satisfied with our company's implementation of mandatory certification rules and product consistency assurance ability, and fully affirms our company's work, but also points out the shortcomings.The expert group agreed that: the company's quality control system is perfect, product production process strictly implement the national standards;The factory's quality assurance capability and product consistency are in line with 3C factory inspection requirements. The quality management system is effective. The vehicle 3C works well and meets the requirements of certification implementation rules.
3C is short for compulsory product certification in China.China quality certification center certification, enterprises for the annual plant site review, in order to monitor and enterprise products implement "3 c" certification related requirement, and in the procurement, product manufacturing, product inspection and process management link strict control, in order to protect the batch production of certified products is consistent with the approval samples.
The successful passing of this 3C annual audit indicates that the equipment factory has mastered the management mode of multi-certificate 3C system, which lays a solid foundation for consolidating the good situation of power grid product development.

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